Downloads the given file or fetch the response immediately. Returns once the file has been downloaded, or the response has been received. The Setup window will not be frozen during downloading. If you click on the "
" button or click on the window's button to exit the Setup wizard, the download operation will be terminated automatically.type
TReadMethod = (rmGet, rmPost, rmActive, rmPassive);
#ifdef UNICODE// For UNICODE Inno Setup
TOnRead = function (URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod;
Index, TotalSize, ReadSize, CurrentSize: Int64; var ReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
#else // For ANSI Inno Setup
TOnRead = function (URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod;
Index, TotalSize, ReadSize, CurrentSize: LongInt; var ReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
#ifdef UNICODE // For UNICODE Inno Setup
function DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; var Response:
AnsiString; var Size: Int64; SaveFilename: string; OnRead: TOnRead): Integer;
#else // For ANSI Inno Setup
function DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; var Response:
AnsiString; var Size: LongInt; SaveFilename: string; OnRead: TOnRead): Integer;
The full address of the file to download, or the address of server script to fetch its response. the "http", "https" and "ftp" schemes are supported. Optional username, password and port number can be included. For "http" and "https" schemes, an optional parameters string can be included too.
[<scheme>://][<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>] [/<path>][?<parameters>]
For example:
http://username:[email protected]:8080/images/file.jpg
ftp://username:[email protected]:2121/images/file.jpg
Specifies an user agent string. Your server can use the string to determine whether the download request is sent by your installation package, or determine which installation package sends the request, etc.
Specifies the HTTP methods for an "http" or "https" download request. Or specifies the transfer mode for an "ftp" download request. It can be one of the following values:
If the OnRead parameter is set to nil, or even if it is set to an OnRead callback function, but the ReadStr parameter of the callback function isn't changed in the callback function, the Response parameter returns entire file content as string. You can use the SaveStringToFile function to save it into a local file.
The parameter returns size of the file or length of response at the given URL, in bytes. If you want fetch the length of response at the given URL, the Content-Length entity-header field is required on response from your server.
Specifies a local file path and file name in order to save the remote file content or the response text into it automatically. If the parameter is set to an empty string, the file content or the response text will not be saved automatically.
Also, you can use the SaveStringToFile function to save the value of Response parameter into a local file. For example:
Response: AnsiString;
Size: {#BIG_INT};
if DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL( 'http://.....', 'My_Setup', rmGet, Response, Size, '', nil )
= READ_OK then
SaveStringToFile( ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), Response, False );
Or you can use the SaveStringToFile function to save all of the ReadStr parameter values of the OnRead callback function into a local file if you specify the callback function in the OnRead parameter. For example:
Response: AnsiString;
Size: {#BIG_INT};
function OnRead(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; Index, TotalSize, ReadSize,
CurrentSize: LongInt; var ReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
if Index = 0 then
// Create local file and write first data block
SaveStringToFile( ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), ReadStr, False )
// Append subsequent data blocks to the local file
SaveStringToFile( ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), ReadStr, Ture );
ReadStr := ''; // Optional, change to empty string for freeing up memory space
Result := True; // Continue to download
DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL( 'http://.....', 'My_Setup', rmGet, Response, Size, '', @OnRead );
You can use the parameter to specify a callback function when you make the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function call, it will be executed when a data block is read from remote server. See also the OnRead callback function. If the callback function is not required, please set it to nil.
Returns the error code in integer, it can be one of the following values:
If the error code is between 1 and 10, you can call the DllGetLastError function to retrieve a specific error message.
If you click on the "DwinsHs_CancelDownload to cdExit or cdBack, the download operation will be terminated automatically, and the function will returns the error code READ_ERROR_CANCELED (9).
" button or click on the window's button to exit the Setup wizard, or change the value of global variableCopyright © 2001-2022, Han-soft Corporation. All rights reserved.